
24 September 2018

Information about the company

Agrolak LLC, Kulaevo village, Pestrechinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

The main activities of the enterprise are livestock and crop production. Since 2017, the investor of the company is Fortex LLC. The volume of investments amounted to more than 40 million rubles, which were directed to the repair of existing and construction of new agricultural facilities, the purchase and modernization of agricultural equipment, the purchase of cattle, etc.

The priority of the enterprise is dairy farming. The company is engaged in cattle breeding and milk production. The total livestock population today is 1,200 heads, including a dairy herd - 400 heads. Active work is now underway to renew the herd and increase the productivity of the cows — tribal heifers are being purchased.

The farm has arable land of 3,000 hectares where grain crops are grown: winter rye, wheat, oats, barley, peas. Crop production mainly serves as fodder production for livestock. The farm is fully self-sufficient forage.
The company employs 55 people, including: 8 milkmaids, 10 telyatnits, 5 drivers, 10 machine operators, with one of whom we will talk today. Since 2005, Haitbay Doschanov has been working on the farmland of this farm. He earned the respect of the leaders of the company and the villagers for his hard work and skill.

Reporter: How long have you been working in agriculture? How did you come to the profession?
Haitby Tairovich: I have loved technology since childhood, and everything connected with it. After graduation, he graduated from a technical school and began working as a mechanic in his native Uzbekistan. In 2005, my family and I moved to Russia and settled in the Pestrechinsky district, in the village of Kulaevo, where I also began working in my specialty.

Reporter: What interests you in the profession of a machine operator?

Haitbay Taiirovich: This is a lively job - cultivating the land, sowing and harvesting. I love the earth and everything connected with it.

Reporter: Is there any interest in your profession among young people?

Haitbay Taiirovich: I have two adult sons who have been interested in technology since childhood, and have chosen for themselves the profession of a machine operator. They both work in our company and love their work.

Reporter: What is your job?

Haitbay Taiirovich: Now I work at K-744, at the sowing complex “Morris”, including doing its maintenance and repair. In the spring - plowing, sowing, in the summer - tamping, harvesting fodder, now sowing winter crops. After the onset of the first frosts, work in the fields ceases and I work on a farm.

Reporter: What is the mode of work in the summer? Have a weekend?

Haitby Tairovich: In the weekend season does not happen. On the field from 5 am to sunset. It is necessary to do everything while the weather permits and a long light day.

Reporter: By what indicators do your work? What determines the payment.

Haitby Tairovich: We have standards. For example, for sowing need to sow 60 hectares. If we over-fulfill the plan, we are rewarded. We are interested to do our work on time and efficiently, because our salary directly depends on it.

Reporter: What, in your opinion, affects the implementation of the plan and how can you influence it?

Haitbay Taiirovich: It is necessary to maintain the equipment always in working condition, to conduct a technical inspection in a timely manner, to prevent serious damage. Of course, there are circumstances beyond my control - weather conditions and the state of the soil.

Reporter: What has changed in your household in recent years?

Haitbay Taiirovich: There used to be idle times at work, now we are not sitting without work. In season, there is always work, which affects the level of wages. Salary is always issued on time, its size has grown. The equipment is serviced in a timely manner, calf houses are being repaired on the farm, order is established. The master's hand is felt in everything.

Reporter: Who worked your ancestors? Family succession (who in the family is still working in agriculture)

Haitby Tairovich: My parents also worked on a farm in Uzbekistan. My father was a shepherd, my mother worked as a milkmaid. My children do not change family traditions. They also settled in Kulaevo, they have families and they don’t want to leave for the city. Work on the land they like.